Category: Visual Arts

  • Lively Video Premiere

    Student presenters: Killian Petty, Anna Blake, Axel Sifuentes, Stephen McClanahan, Alanah Cleare Grab some popcorn and join us Friday, April 26 from 3 to 5 pm in the Digital Auditorium for the “big-screen premiere” of new video series, entirely conceived and created by UMW students this semester.  The Office of University Communications challenged eight interns…

  • Analysis of Total and Bioavailable Concentrations of Trace Metals in Surface Soils and Environmental Equity in Fredericksburg, Virginia

    By Anna Velardi, Faith Jones, Audrey Turner Faculty Mentor: Melanie Szulczewski Abstract Investigation into the presence of heavy metals in soil samples from a survey conducted around Fredericksburg using a variety of analysis techniques. Texture, pH, as well as organic matter content and metal concentrations in the soil were determined at 20 different locations throughout…
