Category: Visual Arts
Lively Video Premiere
Student presenters: Killian Petty, Anna Blake, Axel Sifuentes, Stephen McClanahan, Alanah Cleare Grab some popcorn and join us Friday, April 26 from 3 to 5 pm in the Digital Auditorium for the “big-screen premiere” of new video series, entirely conceived and created by UMW students this semester. The Office of University Communications challenged eight interns…
Analysis of Total and Bioavailable Concentrations of Trace Metals in Surface Soils and Environmental Equity in Fredericksburg, Virginia
By Anna Velardi, Faith Jones, Audrey Turner Faculty Mentor: Melanie Szulczewski Abstract Investigation into the presence of heavy metals in soil samples from a survey conducted around Fredericksburg using a variety of analysis techniques. Texture, pH, as well as organic matter content and metal concentrations in the soil were determined at 20 different locations throughout…