Category: Poster Presentation

  • Using Computational Chemistry to Determine the Binding Energy within an Atom

    By Rebecca Bowers, Adrian Coello Faculty Mentor: Leanna Giancarlo Abstract The binding energy of an atom felt by an electron from the protons within the nucleus can be accurately calculated using computational software. Improvements to computing capabilities allow for the precise approximation of values, such as binding energy, without having to do any wet lab…

  • The Role Of GSK-3 In Alzheimer’s Disease

    By Natalie Baca Faculty Mentor: Deborah O'Dell Abstract Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by the buildup of Beta Amyloid Plaques in the brain and the hyperphosphorylation of the Tau Protein. GSK-3 is a protein kinase found normally in cells in both active and inactive states. Overactive GSK-3 has been linked to the hyperphosphorylation…

  • Female NCAA Athlete Mental Health During Season

    By Emma Dickson Faculty Mentor: Hanaria Qualls Abstract I hope to examine four women’s sports teams at UMW throughout their seasons and gauge their mental health. This will be impersonal enough that each person feels comfortable responding honestly. Research will take place in the course of two surveys. One survey will gauge current mental health…

  • Exploring the effect of caffeine on Toxoplasma gondii replication and plaque formation

    By Abigail Glenn, Exotica Hall, Elizabeth Sullivan Faculty Mentor: Swati Agrawal Abstract apicomplexan Toxoplasma gondii. In immunocompromised individuals, such as those with preexisting illness, toxoplasmosis can be deadly. As an intracellular parasite, T. gondii has mechanisms for motility, invasion, replication, and egress, during which calcium is a key regulator. To signal invasion, the cytosolic concentrations…

  • Deciphering Therapeutic Potential: Functional Annotation of Bacillus Phage Jabberwock Proteins in Biochemistry of Proteins

    By Elizabeth Sullivan and Brooke Johnson Faculty Mentor: Swati Agrawal Abstract Nearly eight million individuals succumb to bacterial infections annually, positioning it as the second leading cause of death worldwide. As bacterial resistance to antibiotics continues to rise, research on bacteriophages has emerged as a valuable alternative in mitigating fatalities caused by bacterial pathogens. Characterized…

  • Food Banks, Why They Matter and Potential Improvements

    By Jack Dragone Faculty Mentor: Kashef Majid Abstract This study attempts to explain both the environmental and community impacts of food banks and help in maximizing their effectiveness. Food banks have a direct impact on greenhouse gasses due to resources put into extra farming and the rotting of spoiled food. This means they act as…

  • Effect of Water Level on Cercarial Infection in Freshwater Snails

    By Morgan Hicok Faculty Mentor: Abbie Tomba Abstract Flatworms are internal parasites with complex, multi-host lifecycles. Most infect freshwater snails as their first intermediate host. The presence of flatworms allows us to draw conclusions about stream health and functioning, and serves as an ecological indicator. This study addresses water level and flow in relation to…


    By Kristy A. Bagley, Mikyas G. Telahun Faculty Mentor: Deborah A. O’Dell Abstract More than six million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s, a condition characterized by cognitive decline and the presence of amyloid β plaques and Tau tangles. However, the sustained activation of the brain’s macrophages, microglia, and other neuroinflammatory markers of the Central…

  • The Impact of Habitat on Terrestrial Niche Partitioning Between Amphibians

    By Ellie Shanahan Faculty Mentor: Bradley Lamphere Abstract Studying how different organisms niche partition within an ecosystem remains an important aspect for the field of ecology. Studying how different species of amphibian ecologically interact remains important due to their importance as bioindicators.. We wanted to determine the presence of significant niche partitioning between different species…

  • Marketing Sustainable Beauty

    By Madison Kimmitz Faculty Mentor: Dr Kelly Eunjung Yoon Abstract This study explores the impact of waste within the beauty industry and how it can be effectively minimized. This research also covers how a company within the beauty industry can become more sustainable and how they can successfully market that. A firm can start becoming…
