Category: College of Business
Analyzing the Relationship Between Quarterback Salary Allocation and Team Performance in the NFL
By Peter Leese Faculty Mentor: Dave Henderson Abstract At the beginning of each football season in the National Football League (“NFL”), the ultimate goal of each NFL team is to win the Super Bowl. While players’ on-field success is undoubtedly necessary for teams to succeed and win the Super Bowl, each teams’ off-season performance is…
Food Banks, Why They Matter and Potential Improvements
By Jack Dragone Faculty Mentor: Kashef Majid Abstract This study attempts to explain both the environmental and community impacts of food banks and help in maximizing their effectiveness. Food banks have a direct impact on greenhouse gasses due to resources put into extra farming and the rotting of spoiled food. This means they act as…
Marketing Sustainable Beauty
By Madison Kimmitz Faculty Mentor: Dr Kelly Eunjung Yoon Abstract This study explores the impact of waste within the beauty industry and how it can be effectively minimized. This research also covers how a company within the beauty industry can become more sustainable and how they can successfully market that. A firm can start becoming…
Race to the Bottom: How Western Corporations Exploit Cheap Foreign Labor and Its Effects
By Jakob Robinette Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kimberly Kinsley Abstract This thesis is concerned with addressing the impacts of foreign direct investment in poor Southeast Asian and African countries to cut costs that major fashion labels and technology firms can then pass on to the consumer and increase shareholder returns. This “race to the bottom” concept…
Race to the Bottom: How Western Corporations Exploit Cheap Foreign Labor and its Effects
By Jakob Robinette Faculty Mentor: Dr. Kinsley Abstract This thesis is concerned with addressing the impacts of foreign direct investment in poor Southeast Asian countries to cut costs that major fashion labels and technology firms can then pass on to the consumer and increase shareholder returns. This “race to the bottom” concept is seen across…
Impact of Prices and Distance on Donations to the Regional Food Bank in Fredericksburg, VA: A Study of Chain Grocery Stores
By Sydney Sherman Faculty Mentor: Kashef Majid Abstract This study investigates the influence of prices and proximity to the Regional Food Bank in Fredericksburg, VA, on the type and quantity of donations provided by surrounding grocery stores. Regional food banks are an intricate network of grocery stores, donations from people, and local farms coming together…