Anthropology Senior Thesis Symposium

HCC 210

Faculty Mentor, Professor Jason James

April 22, 2:00-2:50pm

1. YJ Kim: “The Interwoven Religions of Turkey.”

2. Abigail Glenn: “Genetic Ancestry Testing: the Pursuit of Kinship through Science and Story.”

April 24, 2:00-2:50pm

1.  Emily Nolan: “Morbid Curiosity: Exploring the “Community of True Crime.”

2. Nick Macklin: “Finding the Sacred in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.”

April 26, 2:00-2:50pm

1. Emily Arft: “Resilience Theory.”

2. Ella Weber: “The Mirror of Marginalization: A Look at an Urban Society Through the Lens of the Visibly Unhoused.”



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