Poster Presentations

Friday April 26, 2024

12:00-1:00pm, Digital Auditorium

  • Solar Farms and the Heat Island Effect: A study of Local Temperature Changes at Virginia’s Largest Solar Farms

    By Rhane Elder Faculty Mentor: Dr. Pamela Grothe Abstract With the growing urgency to move away from fossil fuels, renewable energy has started to rapidly expand. Large-scale solar farms are increasingly being proposed, and often they face backlash from community members on the potential impacts it could have. Spotsylvania County, Virginia is home to the…

  • Studies in Projectile Motion

    By Jason Walker Faculty Mentor: Emmanuel Skamangas Abstract Projectile motion is usually defined as the motion of an object fired or projected through the air without additional propulsive force. In the ideal case of projectile motion, gravity is the only force acting upon the propelled object and air resistance is considered to be negligible. More…

  • Synthesis Of Myclobutanil Through Appel Halogenation and Nucleophilic Addition Of Formaldehyde Using 4-Chlorobenzyl Cyanide

    By Nelson Bonilla Faculty Mentor: Dr. Davis Oldham Abstract Synthesis Of Myclobutanil Through Appel Halogenation and Nucleophilic Addition Of Formaldehyde Using 4-Chlorobenzyl Cyanide Nelson Bonilla, Dr. Davis Oldham Abstract Myclobutanil (MT) is a chiral Triazole fungicide whose main use in agriculture is the active inhibition of vital fungal enzymes, thereby inhibiting fungal growth in crops.…

  • Temperature and Sex Determination in TU Line Zebrafish

    By Ravi Palat Faculty Mentor: Dr. Dianne Baker Abstract The purpose of this project was to investigate the relationship between water temperature and sex determination in the TU line of a commonly used model organism, the zebrafish (Danio rerio). While wild type zebrafish have a distinct sex determining region in their genome, the two most…

  • The anti-inflammatory effects of 17B-Estradiol on RAW 264.7 Macrophages

    By Rose McMullen, Olivia Pierce, and Kayla Rodriguez Faculty Mentor: Laura Sipe PhD. Abstract Chronic inflammation can be detrimental to the structures and functions of the body. When the body detects unknown agents, the immune system is activated to fight, destroy, and heal the body. This reaction begins with macrophage cells; macrophages detect and engulf…

  • The application of DNAzymes on the CTG repeat expansion in Myotonic Dystrophy type 1

    By Arshpreet Brar and Delaney Humphrey Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ginny Morriss Abstract Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 (DM1) has variable symptoms like myotonia, skeletal muscle weakness and wasting, irregular cardiac induction, and cognitive defects. DM1 is caused due to CTG repeat expansion in the 3′ untranslated region of the Dystrophia Myotonica Protein Kinase (DMPK) gene. The…

  • The Effect of Oxaliplatin and Methionine Restriction on Immunogenic Cell Death in Cell Lines EO771 and 4T1.

    By Mallory Thompson Faculty Mentor: Dr. Laura Sipe Abstract The Effect of Oxaliplatin and Methionine Restriction on Immunogenic Cell Death in Cell Lines EO771 and 4T1. Mallory Thompson Advisor: Laura Sipe, PhD The immune system’s ability to detect cancer is integral to the body’s ability to fight the disease. Some anti-cancer therapies trigger targeted cells…

  • The Effect of Social Isolation on Orexin Production and Hedonic Drive in Female Mice

    By Hudson McNerney Faculty Mentor: Dr. Parrish Waters Abstract THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL ISOLATION ON OREXIN PRODUCTION AND HEDONIC DRIVE IN FEMALE MICE. Hudson McNerney, Dr. R. Parrish Waters, Dept. of Biol., University of Mary Washington. Social stress is a primary instigator of psychological disorders in humans. While social stress results from social dominance relationship…

  • The Electric Piano-Guitar

    By Donald Glander Faculty Mentor: Rebecca Callaway Abstract Though it may not seem like it at first, a piano (not an electric piano, a true acoustic piano) can be thought of as a string instrument. The keys, pressed by a musician, activate levers which strike a string, producing sound. But pianos are large and clunky,…

  • The generational effect of temperature differences on sex differentiation in Danio rerio

    By Willa Clore Faculty Mentor: Dianne Baker Abstract This research investigated whether temperature related sex differentiation causes generational differences in the sex ratios in the TU strain of a model organism, Danio rerio. To test this hypothesis, the F1 offspring were collected from adults reared at differing temperatures from 15 days post fertilization (dpf) until…
