Category: Oral Presentation
The impact of voluntary wheel running on TH expression in the VTA
By Johann Leal Faculty Mentor: Parrish Waters Abstract The impact of voluntary wheel running on TH expression in the VTA The goal of this study was to investigate how exercise impacts dopamine levels in mice. 16 mice were split into wheel running and control groups. Wheel running mice had access to a wheel for 4…
Spring 2024 Columns Symposium
April 26th, 5pm in Combs 139 All attendees will receive a FREE copy of the spring volume. Refreshments provided! Presentations: Makayla Bowman. “Conceptualizing Pillars of Identity: An Ethnographic Field Study of International Students at the University of Mary Washington” Erin Caine. “Still Alice: Understanding the Representation of Alzheimer’s Disease in Media” Natalia C. Ramírez. “At…
2024 Computer Science Symposium
Optimizing the Synthesis of the Secondary Metabolites of DEHP
By Adrian Coello Faculty Mentor: Dr. Oldham Abstract Di(2-ethylhexyl)Phthalate (DEHP) is a chemical commonly used as plasticizer in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to make it softer. DEHP is metabolized in the body to form primary and secondary metabolites; while DEHP is known to disrupt the endocrine system, there is little research on their toxicity The secondary…
Art History Symposium
Friday, April 26, 12:15pm; Melchers Hall, Rm. 207. Moderator: Suzie Kim
Recovering a Forgotten Past: Cades Cove, TN
By Chase Sullivan Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gallagher and Dr. Bowen Abstract Recovering a Forgotten Past: Cades Cove, TN Can modern GIS methods identify features, artifacts, and traces on the landscape from the now-erased township of Cades Cove with data sourced from remote sensing instruments? Background: Cades Cove, once a thriving community with a rich history…
History and American Studies Symposium
Kemp Symposium
Using Model-Agnostic Explanations for Categorization of Project-Based Learning Activity Flow
By April Groce Faculty Mentor: Prashant Chandrasekar Abstract
Tomorrow Is A New Day Podcast
By Jaylyn Long Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mary Beth Mathews Abstract In 2020, the murder of George Floyd shocked the nation, prompting an outcry and demand of reparations by the resurgence of the Black Lives Matter Movement through memory. The Tulsa Race Massacre was one of the many histories exposed and memorialized throughout the resurgence of…