Historic Preservation Lab 2024: City Web Resources Design

By Amber Dawson, Gavin Kearns, Samm Tyler, Sebastian Melin, Eric Hummer, Rachel Richardson, Ellie Dauernheim, Aidan Hill

Faculty Mentor: Andrea Smith


The historic preservation planning laboratory course of Spring 2024 spent the semester overhauling the City of Fredericksburg website resources for the Historic District. The goal was to make the website more intuitive and user friendly for laypeople. The class audited both the City web resources as well as comparable web pages from cities around the country. This allowed us to develop a mock website that resolved issues found in the existing City resources. Throughout the semester, the class periodically met with the City historic preservation planner to develop and refine improvements to the site. The final project, including a new checklist, flowcharts, FAQs, and examples, is presented here.


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